How To Play Wet Blanket Video!

Here’s a video that we made that shows how to play Wet Blanket! Give it a view and if you have any questions about the game play leave them for us in the comments! Rock on!

Binary Cocoa Finds Their Funky Flow

So much news! Wet Blanket decks should be ordered this week and sent out to backers! The shirts are also completed and are being ordered this week as well! It’s a Christmas miracle! Let’s all celebrate by watching that one Arnold Schwarzenegger movie where he beats up a bunch of people so he can get […]

New Junk Coming Soon!

We’ve some pretty exciting stuff coming out this week! First of all we’ll have some shirts for Wet Blanket! Here’s the design we’ve been throwing around: We’ll have a good variety of colors for the shirts and might even have some hoodies as well! We’re also designing some mugs because…well, we’re Binary Cocoa and it […]

End of November Update!

Hey everyone! We’ve been giving our site quite a bit of love lately! It’s almost where we want it and are pretty happy with it so far. There’s tons of games for sale if you want to check those out! Sorry, I’m not sure if I should be hawking things here in the blog. Let […]

Wet Blanket News!

Hey everyone! Wet Blanket is finished and should be ordered this week! The expansion deck is very close to being completed as well (it just needs some iconography work). We had a good time play testing it with some friends at the local library last Saturday which went very well. Much party destroying happened and […]

Steam Greenlight and Indiegogo campaigns for Hexapod Defense Force are live!

It is true! We proudly present you the campaigns for Hexapod Defense Force, a game about punching aliens in the face with missiles! Check out the Steam Greenlight campaign here, and the Indiegogo campaign can be found here! Your contribution could help us stock the cheeto vending machine…if we had one!! Here’s the trailer for […]

Binary Cocoa Rides Into the Danger Zone

There have been lots of fun marketing meetings going on lately! We’ve never really marketed before so this is a scary and exciting time for us. Most of the talk is about Wet Blanket but there are rumors on the horizon of bigger things. Hopefully anyway! Wet Blanket is progressing pretty much every day and […]

Time To Rock!

Binary Cocoa is rockin’!!! Actually I just play the guitar sometimes while I’m in between tasks. Binary Cocoa does have a lot going on though! Stephen has completed the expansion set to Wet Blanket! All he has to do now is make the backer cards for those that ordered them and whip up a couple […]

Fully Revamped Website Soon!

Hey everyone! We’ve spent the past week doing pixel art stuff and even some development on Collider! We have a new game mode called Serpentine coming out soon and it’s going to be great. It’s hard to describe without showing people, but it involves linking chains of squares, stealing your opponent’s squares and surviving with […]

Pixel Art Explosions and Collider Collisions

There have been many explosions going off at Binary Cocoa this week! Mostly animated pixel art explosions in Tiled. Stephen has been pixel arting his brains out and is loving every minute of it. Too bad his code skills are still not up to snuff otherwise he would have made six games by now (not […]

Binary Cocoa Does a Barrel Roll

We’re making some space jets! We’ve been secretly working on a game that’s in the vein of Strike Gunner and other star blasters alike. Here’s a screenshot of the game so far! Those of you that are following our Twitter account might have already been seeing this, but we’ll divulge more information on this game […]