More Wet Blanket News!

Hey everyone! Things have been going quite swimmingly with Wet Blanket over the past couple of days. There’s still 11 days left to make a difference if you want this game about not making friends! We’ve been making some updates as we’ve been play testing the game and we hope they make the game flow better. People have been super kind to us thus far. Help us spread the word!

In the meantime Stephen has been working on some new art for Hexapod Defense Force! We figured that since Stephen(me) has sort of improved at art over the past couple years that HDF might benefit from having some spiffy new art. Here’s a sneak peak!


I rendered this space jet in Blender and then I screenshot a render of it. It was super fun! I’ll be using lots of Blender models when I update HDF and I think it’ll make the game look more slick. At least I hope so. Results have been decent thus far.

Egypt is also improving! Joseph has been pondering on how to improve our lighting system and his brain has come up with some answers. Braxton usually lurks in the background and pushes bug code sometimes.

Check back in soon for more Binary Cocoa goodness!

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