Wet Blanket Coming to Amazon Soon!

Hello everyone! We’d like to thank everyone that has purchased a copy of Wet Blanket so far and we’re looking forward to see what happens with it in the future. Speaking of the future…Wet Blanket should be on Amazon this week! We’re working out a couple kinks on the product page at the moment but it should be up this week! We’ll be sure to put up a big announcement when it does happen.

Collider has also moved forward this week! We tested local multiplayer on a new game mode on Saturday and that proved to be awesome to the maximum awesome. It also revealed some improvements it would need before release so we’re hoping that happens this week and then hopefully we can release it!

Joseph has been working a lot of hours on some web site development that is bringing in some good funds that will hopefully keep Binary Cocoa on its feet. Other than that we’re just plugging along trying to do our best each day! 2017 is looking to be a pretty eventful year for us so we hope you stick close and we’ll roll out some pretty exciting things!

Oh yeah, just asking out of curiosity…how many of you would play rock, paper, scissors, cow hoof?

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